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A sample of our latest projects...

Anderson localization of walking droplets
Submitted (2023)

Traveling Faraday waves
coming soon

Non-spherical Evaporating Drops
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015)

Anderson localization of walking droplets
Submitted (2023)
At the Physical Mathematics Lab we are interested in fundamental problems that find motivation in physics and engineering. Our projects are interdisciplinary; we combine theory, simulations & experiments to unveil and rationalize new natural phenomena.
Jan'25 | Our paper galloping bubbles accepted for publication at Nature Communications!
We introduce a new symmetry breaking that makes vibrated bubbles self-propelled in a direction perpendicular to the driving.
Nov'24 | Our galloping bubbles received a Gallery of Fluid Motion Award!
Check out our video submission to the American Physical Society DFD meeting.
Sept'24 | Our paper hydrodynamic analog of Anderson localization published in PRX!
The article describes how wave-dressed classical particles may localize like quantum particles in disordered environments.
May'24 | Abel's featured in an article in Endeavors Magazine!
The article describes his academic journey at UNC and research in Anderson localization.
March'24 | Austin's paper published in Physical Review Letters!
We reveal the mechanism for orbital quantization in pilot-wave hydrodynamics.
March'24 | Abel Abraham awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal! Third PML member in a row!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.
March'23 | Connor Magoon awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal! Second PML member in a row!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.
March'23 | Pedro awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships!
Press releases: Sloan, UNC, University of Edinburgh, University of La Rioja, Diario La Rioja newspaper.
Nov'22 | Our entry received the Van Dyke Gallery of Fluid Motion Award!
Check out our video and the accompanying article at Physics Magazine.
March'22 | Austin Blitstein awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.
Oct'21 | Pedro receives NSF CAREER award!
National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty.
April'21 | Paper on Hydrodynamic Spin Lattices in press!
Our paper has been accepted in Nature.
May'20 | Paper published in Science Advances!
We present an hydrodynamic analog of Friedel oscillations resulting from a new chaos-free mechanism for the emergence of modulated statistics.
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