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A sample of our latest projects...

At the Physical Mathematics Lab we are interested in fundamental problems that find motivation in physics and engineering. Our projects are interdisciplinary; we combine theory, simulations & experiments to unveil and rationalize new natural phenomena. 


Sept'24 | Our paper hydrodynamic analog of Anderson localization published in PRX
The article describes how wave-dressed classical particles may localize like quantum particles in disordered environments.

May'24 | Abel's featured in an article in Endeavors Magazine
The article describes his academic journey at UNC and research in Anderson localization.
March'24 | Austin's paper published in Physical Review Letters
We reveal the mechanism for orbital quantization in pilot-wave hydrodynamics.

March'24 | Abel Abraham awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal! Third PML member in a row!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.

March'23 | Connor Magoon awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal! Second PML member in a row!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.

March'23 | Pedro awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships!
Press releases: Sloan, UNC, University of Edinburgh, University of La Rioja, Diario La Rioja newspaper.

Nov'22 | Our entry received the Van Dyke Gallery of Fluid Motion Award!

Check out our video and the accompanying article at Physics Magazine.
March'22 | Austin Blitstein awarded the Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal!
Given annually to an undergraduate who has demonstrated great ability and promise for originality in the field.

Oct'21 | Pedro receives NSF CAREER award!
National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty.

April'21 | Paper on Hydrodynamic Spin Lattices in press!
Our paper has been accepted in Nature.

May'20 | Paper published in Science Advances!
We present an hydrodynamic analog of Friedel oscillations resulting from a new chaos-free mechanism for the emergence of modulated statistics.

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